Thursday, May 14, 2009

Summer Spinach, Strawberry & Bacon Salad (the one you've been waiting for, friends!)

Absolutely mouth watering! This has been a hit every single time I’ve made it! You just can’t go wrong with this salad. There are a lot of different recipes for this type of salad floating around and this has combined the best parts of a few of them to come up with the PERFECT spinach salad.

¼ c. vinegar
½ c. canola oil
1/4 c. chopped onion
2T plus ½ tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp ground mustard
1 squirt of bottled mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp poppy seed
8 c. torn fresh spinach
1 ½ green onions (optional) I never have them so I do without
6 strips bacon, cooked crispy and chopped OR packaged real bacon bits
fresh strawberries, sliced
Sliced mushrooms
Mozzarella cheese
½ c. or more of slivered almonds, caramelized (see below)

In a small bowl mix oil, vinegar, onion, sugar, mustard, salt & poppy seed. In a separate large salad bowl place spinach and top with remaining ingredients. Toss with dressing. You probably won’t use all of the dressing, it makes a lot. Just use enough to make the salad moist and yummy. Also, if using packaged bacon bits, quickly fry them in a pan to return moisture and freshness.

Caramelizing almonds: In a saucepan, place almonds with sugar. (always use about 1/4 as much sugar as almonds). Cook and stir over medium heat. DO NOT BURN! When sugar melts and caramelizes, place almonds onto wax paper (aluminum foil works also). Separate and allow to cool. Add to salad.

Recipe from: friend, Renee Vankampen