Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tiff's Own - Spaghetti Bake

Yesterday I was in a mad rush for dinner...and this was the result. A scrumptious spaghetti bake!! I made it again tonight for another family and it makes a TON! It ended up making enough for a family of 5 as well as 2 smaller dishes, one for my mom and James and one for my little fam. I'm sure you could freeze half for another meal later on. My mom asked me to please put it online so she can make it again soon. YUM!


~ 2 1/2 cups dry noodles (I love capelletti from Costso 3 pack, can use any small noodle, I'm sure)
~ 1 lb. ground beef or turkey (I use turkey)
~ 20 Italian meatballs (from Costco frozen section)
~ 2 large cans spaghetti sauce (I use cheap $.88/can)
~ 1 cup mozzarella
~ about 1/4 cup shredded or grated Parmesan

Cook noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, bake meatballs according to package directions. In a large frying pan, cook beef or turkey. Add sauce, mozzarella, Parmesan, baked meatballs and cooked noodles. Stir well. Pour into a baking dish, I use a really deep pie-shaped dish. Top with additional mozzarella and sprinkle with a little Parmesan and parsley flakes (optional- for looks). Bake at 350 degrees until sauce is bubbly and cheese is melted. ENJOY!

Recipe Created By: Me :)