Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zuppa Toscana (Kale Soup)

This soup is delicious. I've made my bread bowls with it twice in the past 2 weeks. My bread bowl recipe is posted and the combination is delicious! I LOVE spinach in soups and kale is exactly like spinach except it holds up better than spinach.

1 lb Italian sausage
1 ¼ c. onion, diced.
2 slices uncooked bacon, diced
2 1/3 t. minced garlic
3 c. chicken broth
5-6 potatoes cut into 1/4 “ pieces
3-5 c kale, roughly chopped (I love kale, so I put in a ton!)
2/3 c whipping cream or half and half
Salt and Pepper

Put onion and bacon in a pot, sauté. Meanwhile, shape sausage into little bite size patties and cook in a frying pan over med-high heat until cooked through; set aside. Add broth and potatoes to onion and bacon, Boil. Simmer 15 min. Add kale, sausage, garlic, cream or half and half. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer 5 min. more. Serve hot.

Recipe from: my mom's enrichment activity