Friday, November 20, 2009

Quick Peanut Butter PLAYDOUGH - Kids Love!!

I made this when Katelyn had a friend over and it entertained them for quite awhile. I gave them plastic knives and a ton of cookie cutters and they were in heaven. The playdough actually tastes really good and I snitch bites too.

~ 1 part powdered sugar
~ 4 parts peanut butter
~ 2 parts sweetened condensed milk

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bow. Knead for several minutes until smooth and pliable. Mixture should not stick to your fingers. If it does, more powdered sugar may be added (add very little at a time, if needed, or playdough will get dry & crack...better too moist than dry!). Don't make more playdough than can be consumed, as there are no preservatives to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Recipe from: Friend, Amy Soucie