Thursday, December 31, 2009

Delicious Whole Wheat Chicken Noodle Soup

I was at my friend's home when she was making this. It looked and smelled delicious. It turned out to be the most delicious homemade chicken noodle soup I've ever had/made!! I made it today and it makes a huge pot full so you'll have plenty for neighbors :). It isn't a super quick meal, but totally worth the time. Healthy too.

~ 1 whole chicken, thawed
~ salt & pepper
~ 3 eggs
~ whole wheat flour
~ whatever veggies you like...I use onions, carrots, peas, celery & potatoes

Place entire chicken straight out of the packaging into a large pot, cover with water and season with plenty of salt. Bring to a boil and cook until meat is falling off of the bone.

Meanwhile, prepare veggies by rinsing and chopping into pieces (any size you like). Set aside.

In a small bowl, crack and beat eggs. Add flour until doughy. Separate dough into 3 balls and roll each out, very thin, on a floured surface, adding plenty of flour so they aren't sticky at all. (You want them very floury and dry). Cut into 1/4" strips.

When chicken is cooked, remove from pot and shred. (With a slotted spoon, remove any floating pieces of fat left in the broth in the pot). Place shredded chicken, veggies and homemade noodles in the broth. Add as much water as you like. Season VERY well with salt & pepper, sprinkle in a few Tbsp of whole wheat flour to thicken, and boil until veggies are tender and your home smells delicious!

Recipe from: Jessica Lambson